Alleluia Match

Here’s a request. Make the little “Benedicta tu in mulieribus” antiphon from Matins of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary into an Alleluia for a small Novus Ordo Mass for Our Lady of Mt Carmel.


Here is the Antiphon, note Mode 4:

Benedicta tu, mode 4

Here is a Mode 4 Alleluia from the Graduale Simplex:


Problem is, the first one has Re as the reciting tone, the second has Fa, so they sound a bit strange together, but I think it’s still better than the ubiquitous mode 6 Alleluia from the Easter Vigil.

Finished match

Veronica Brandt
Veronica Brandt
Technician and Tutor

My research interests include Gregorian chant, knitting, constructing long skirts with pockets and taking over the world.