Solemn Proclamation of Moveable Feasts
De publicatione Festorum mobilium

Decided to stick with celebrabimus instead of celebrabitis. The latter is in Laudes Festivae page 85 in the PDF, printed page number 59. I just prefer celebrabimus and that's how the people who first asked me to type it up wrote it, so I'll stick with that and you're welcome to edit the .gabc and recompile with lualatex and gregoriotex.
- 2025 - Printable pdf | gabc source and Mezalia font version maybe for the last time
- 2024 - Printable pdf | gabc source and Mezalia font version because I still like the font
- 2023 - Printable pdf | gabc source and Mezalia font version and In English! English USCCB PDF and GABC.
- 2022 - Printable pdf | gabc source and Mezalia font version
- 2021 - Printable pdf | gabc source and Mezalia font version because I still like the font
- 2020 - Printable pdf | gabc source and Mezalia font version because I still like the font
- 2019 - Printable pdf | gabc source and a version using the Mezalia font mostly because it has matching initials
- 2018 - Printable pdf | gabc source
- 2017 - Printable pdf | gabc source (with a specially requested version transferring Ascension Thursday and Corpus Christi to the following Sundays: proc2017transferred.pdf
- 2016 - Printable pdf | gabc source
- 2015 - Printable pdf | gabc source
(with a specially requested version with Corpus Christi transferred to the Sunday : proc2015shiftcc.pdf and combining Corpus et Sanguis Christi proc2015shift_of.pdf) - 2014 - Printable pdf | gabc source
- 2013 - Printable pdf | gabc source
- 2012 - Printable pdf | gabc source
- 2011 - Printable pdf | gabc source
- 2010 - Printable pdf | gabc source
- 2009 - Printable pdf | gabc source
- 2008 - Printable pdf | OpusTeX source
- 2007 - Printable pdf | OpusTeX source
- 2006 - Printable pdf | OpusTeX source
- 2005 - Printable pdf | OpusTeX source
- 2004 - Printable pdf | OpusTeX source
- 2003 - Printable pdf | OpusTeX source
The main .tex file for compiling the gabc source files main-lualatex.tex or for 2013 smallermargins.tex.
There is a custom of proclaiming the dates of the upcoming moveable feasts each year on the feast of the Epiphany (6th January).
I started typing these up for the Maternal Heart of Mary Church each year in time for Epiphany. With the main protagonist passing away and me moving further west there is less and less impetus to keep it up, but it still seems someone will remind me each year and I’ll again be surprised how quickly it comes together.
It goes something like this:
Noveritis, fratres carissimi, quod annuente Dei misericordia, sicut de Nativitate Domini nostri Jesu Christi gavisi sumus, ita et de Resurrectione ejusdem Salvatoris nostri gaudium vobis annuntiamus.
It is solemnly made known, dearest brethren that, just as we through the bounteous mercy of God, have rejoiced in the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, likewise should we proclaim the joy of the Resurrection of this same Saviour.
Then follows the list of moveable feasts: Septuagesima, Ash Wednesday, Easter Sunday, Ascension Thursday (yes, Thursday - this is for the Vetus Ordo or Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. No one has asked for an adjustment for Ascension Sunday yet.) Pentecost, Corpus Christi and the First Sunday of Advent.
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